Internal Authentication
In this section you can control the following:
Internal authentication enabled
Password reset enabled (if unchecked, users won’t be able to reset their password)
Signup email confirmation required (if unchecked, users can log in to the system right after the registration, without confirming their email)
Signup enabled (if unchecked, admins will add users manually in the Admin panel and nobody will be able to register on their own)
Authentication Email Settings
In this section you can set:
Sender email address (i.e.
Sender name (i.e. Organization Ltd.)`
Email templates:
Email templates used for authentication purposes are the following:
{{.EmailHeaderEn}} <h2 style="color: #1397CB;text-align: center;">Confirm your email address</h2> <p>Hello,</p> <p>Follow <a href="{{ .URL }}" style="color:#1397CB;">this link</a> to confirm your email address.</p> <p>You will be logged-in after successful confirmation.</p> {{.EmailFooterEn}}
{{.EmailHeaderEn}} <h2 style="color: #1397CB;text-align: center;">Reset your password</h2> <p>Hello,</p> <p>Follow <a href="{{ .URL }}" style="color:#1397CB;">this link</a> and reset your password.</p> <p>You will be logged-in after successful reset.</p> {{.EmailFooterEn}}
We recommend using Codepen or similar browser-based tools to preview the layout of the template before changing the template.