Corteza Low Code
What is Corteza Low Code?
Corteza Low Code is a low-code platform development platform. It provides an environment where you can create your own applications with mostly graphical interfaces instead of code. Its main benefits are that it reduces development time and you don’t need advanced programming knowledge to use it.
The Corteza Low Code development platform is web-based and specifically built for records-based business applications. In fact, Corteza CRM is built with it.
A namespace is an records-based application.
Creating an application with Corteza Low Code takes only a handful of steps. First, you create modules with fields, followed by pages to visualize the modules. This creates the basic data model of your application, after which you can add charts, automation and workflow rules, and role-based permissions.
What can you build?
You can build any namespace (application) with Corteza Low Code, such as:
Customer Relationship Management
Enterprise Resource Planning
Case management
Expense management
Event management
Support desk
Knowledge base
Logistics management
Employee onboarding
Leave tracker
Volunteer portal
Donor management
Franchise management
Hotel management
Construction management
Restaurant management
Travel management
Fleet hub
Inventory management
And a lot more
Create a namespace
To enter Corteza Low Code, first, you need to enter Corteza. Once you’re inside Corteza, you have several options for opening Corteza Low Code:
Open Corteza Low Code
Open it in a new tab by clicking on the + button close to the top of the page, which opens the application menu;
Open it in a new panel by selecting the grid icon on the top right (the icon with four squares); or
Open it in a new window by selecting open in a new window when hovering over the Low Code icon in the application menu.
The first thing you see is the Corteza Low Code Namespaces menu. This shows all the applications you have installed (if any) and an option to create new applications.
If you cannot see Corteza Low Code, your existing applications, or the Create a new namespace button, you might not have the permissions you need. In this case, contact the administrator of your Corteza platform. |
Create an application
Each Low Code application lives in its own unique namespace. This feature allows you to have an unlimited number of Corteza Low Code applications.
To create a new application, you need to fill out the following fields:
Full namespace name (mandatory): The name of your application, which will be shown in the Low Code Namespaces menu. This name does not have to be unique, but it’s best practice to give each application a unique and descriptive name. For example: Donations.
Subtitle (optional): The subtitle is shown below the name of the application in the Low Code Namespaces menu. For example: Donor Management for the Development Department.
Namespace description (optional): A longer description that appears when hovering over the namespace in the Low Code Namespaces menu. For example: In this Donations application, our organization tracks contributors and contributions.
Slug (mandatory): A short name for the namespace that is used in the URL. It’s best to only use letters, numbers, and characters like the dash or underscore. For example: donation-management.
Enabled (mandatory in order to enter the application): By checking the Enabled checkbox, the application will be available in the Low Code Namespaces menu.
Set namespace permissions (optional): By clicking on Set namespace permissions, you can define the access permissions to the namespace for each role. Other access permissions for your application will be created later because they depend on the type of application you build.
Try it out by following these steps to create an example namespace to manage donations.
First, click on the Create namespace button. It’s the last block on the Corteza Low Code Namespaces menu. This opens the Create namespace form.
For the donation application, fill in the following data: Corteza_createdonationnamespace.png
Hit Save and close. You’ve created an application in Corteza!
Modify a namespace
To edit the main data of a namespace you need to click on the edit icon that appears when you over over the namespace in the namespace menu.
To edit modules, fields, pages, etc inside a namespace, you need to enter the namespace first. Detailed information of how to edit each area can be found in the next chapters.
Modules and fields exist inside your namespace. (In programming terminology, they are "locally defined.") Modules and fields define places where data is stored in your namespace. Without modules and fields, your namespace has no memory nor anything to work with, so defining them is the next step when creating a new app.
Enter the namespace’s admin area
To enter the admin area of an namespace, you first need to open the namespace inside Corteza Low Code. Once inside, you’ll see an Admin panel link on the right. Click on it to enter the namespace’s admin area.
In the admin area there are four menu items:
Modules: Create or edit modules and fields
Pages: Define the visual part of your namespace
Charts: Create charts to add to pages
Automation: Add automation rules to automate business processes and workflows
The Public pages link takes you back to your namespace.
Create modules and fields
Modules and fields define what data you need to store in your namespace and how that data links to other data. If you’ve ever built a database before, this might feel familiar, but you don’t need any database experience to work with Corteza.
A module is like a table in a database. A simple namespace typically has a few modules, while bigger namespaces have many more. Corteza CRM, for example, has over 35. The number of modules an namespace can have is unlimited.
A new namespace does not have any modules. You can create one by using the form on top or by importing an existing module from a different namespace using an export file. You can import and export individual modules or all modules at the same time.
When you create a module, best practice is to give it a descriptive name without spaces and using capital letters on different words, e.g., Lead, Account, or CaseUpdate.
Each module consists of a set of fields that define what data you want to store and in what format.
You can add new fields to a module by using the Add new field button. This adds a new row with the following fields:
Name: It must be unique and cannot have spaces, e.g., "firstname." This is not shown to the end user.
Title: This is the field’s label—the field name the end users see when they view or edit a record. It can contain any character, including spaces. Although it’s best practice to keep this title unique, it’s not mandatory. An example is "First name."
Type: This is where you set the field type. The wrench icon on the right allows you to set more detailed data for the field type.
Multiple values: This checkbox is available when you want a field type to allow multiple value entries.
Required: This makes the field mandatory for the end user when creating or editing a record.
Sensitive: This allows you to mark data that is sensitive, such as name, email, or telephone number, so your namespace is compliant with privacy regulations such as the GDPR.
At the end of the row, you can find a Delete button (to remove a field) and a Permission button (to set read permissions and update field permissions per role).
Field types
You can select from the following field types. The wrench icon beside the field type provides further options for each case.
Checkbox (Y/N): This field shows a checkbox to the end user when editing a record. When you click on the wrench icon, you can select what checked and unchecked represent. For example: Yes/No, Active/Inactive, etc.
DateTime: This makes a date field. You can select:
Date only
Time only
Past values only
Future value only
Output relative value (e.g., three days ago)
Custom output format (see Moment.js for formatting options)
Email: This field auto-validates whether the input is an email and turns it into a clickable email link in record-viewing mode. You can select the Don’t turn email into a link option to remove the auto-link feature.
Select: When you click on the wrench icon, you can use the Add button to add as many Select options as you need. You can also set whether the end user can select multiple values at once.
Number: This field gives you the option to add a prefix (for example a $ for values in dollars), a suffix (for example % for a number that represents a percentage), and the decimal precision (e.g., zero for whole numbers or two for values like 1.13, 2.44, 3.98). You can use the Format Input field to create more complex formats.
Record: This field allows you to link the current module to another module. It will show as a Select to the end user. You can select the module in the Module name field and choose the field to use to load the Select options. In Query fields on search, you can define what fields you want the user to be able to search on. As with the Select field type, you can set whether the user can select multiple values at once.
String: By default, a String field is a single-line text-input field, but you can choose to make it multi-line or even a rich text editor.
URL: The URL field automatically validates whether the field is a link to a site. You can select the following options for this field:
Trim # from the URL
Trim ? from the URL
Only allow SSL (HTTPS) URLs
Don’t turn URL into a link
User: This creates a Select field that loads with all users in Corteza. You can preset the value to the current user.
File: This creates a File Upload button for the end user.
Pages is the HTTP web layer of Corteza Low Code. For comfort of design and to ensure your namespace is responsive and mobile-ready by default, Pages are built-in blocks. Each block can be resized and dragged wherever you desire. In all blocks, you can define the title, the description, and the layout.
There are two types of pages: Record pages (which show data for or related to a single record) and List pages (which show a searchable list of multiple records). Each type is described below.
Record pages
A module without a Record page cannot do anything. To store data inside a module, you need to create a Record page and add it to a module by selecting the appropriate Page builder button on the Modules page. This opens the drag-and-drop page editor.
Record blocks
The Record block is the most important block for a Record page. You can select the block’s layout and the fields you want to show. For example, a Contact record page would need to show: Name, Email, Phone, and Address. Select those fields, hit Save and close, and the block will be added.
When you view a record, the values of these fields are shown as strings, and when you add or edit a record, these fields turn into form-input fields.
You can drag-and-drop the fields and place them in any order you prefer. |
Record list blocks
To show a list of related records you need to select the Record list block with prefilter.
The Prefilter records field allows simplified SQL "Where" conditions, and variables like ${recordID}, ${ownerID}, and ${userID} are evaluated (when available). If you are editing a "company" record, and you want to show all the employees in that company, you would need to fill in: ${recordID} = companyId (companyId would need to be a field of the Record type inside the Employee module in this example).
You can also Presort records field by inserting for example createdAt DESC. This shows the list of record by creation date. This field supports simplified SQL Order by condition syntax.
You can also select to hide or show the New record button and Search box, and you can define the number of records shown. A best practice is to adjust this number to the size of the block.
To save the block and add it to the page, hit Save and close. Now the second block has been added to the page.
Other block types
Other block types are:
Content: This block allows you to add fixed text, which you can create with a rich text editor. This is ideal for "help" texts or links to resources, such as the sales handbook on an intranet.
Chart: Inserts charts that have been created with the chart builder. This is very useful when you are creating dashboards.
Social media feed: You can show live content from Twitter here—either a fixed Twitter feed (which is shown in all records) or from a Module field that represents a Twitter link (which enables each record to have his own feed).
Automation: In this block, you can add automation rules that have a manual trigger and that are available for the module, as well as automation rules with no primary module. They are shown to end users as buttons. You can format the automation rule buttons by inserting custom text and selecting a style, and you can change the order of them (when you have multiple buttons) with a drag-and-drop.
Calendar: This block inserts a calendar. The source of the calendar is a list of records from one or multiple modules. For each source, you can select which field represents the title, start date, and end date of the event. The calendar can be shown in the following formats:
Month agenda
Week agenda
Day agenda
Month list
Week list
Day list
File: You can upload a file and show it on the page. Just like the Content block, the content of this block will be the same for all records. To have files that are related to a record, you need to use the File field type when creating fields in a module.
List pages
List pages are not related to any single record; rather, they show lists of records. This page type is used to create a home page, list of contacts, list of projects, dashboards, etc. List pages are important because you can’t enter new records without viewing a list because the Add new record button is shown on lists.
To create a List page, you need to go to the Pages administrative page and enter a title in the Create a new page box at the top. When you submit this form, it opens the Edit page form, which allows you to add a page description (for internal use; the end user will not see it), and you can set the page to Enabled so it can be accessed.
You can drag-and-drop pages in the page-tree to rearange them. This pages makes it easier to maintain the namespace. It also allows you to generate the namespace menu structure because List pages (but not Record pages) are shown as menu items.
Adding content to each List page is exactly the same as adding blocks to Record pages. The only difference is that you cannot select the Record block type (because it is related to a single record).
Create a menu
The menu in a Corteza Low Code namespace is automatically generated by the tree of pages on the admin page Pages. It only shows List pages and ignores Record pages.
To reorder the menu, simply drag-and-drop the pages in the desired order within the tree of pages.
Corteza Low Code comes with a chart builder that allows you to build line, bar, pie, and donut charts.
Create a new chart
To create a new chart, use the Create a new chart field.
Inside the chart builder, you will find the following fields:
Name: Enter a name for the chart; e.g., Donations.
Module: This is the module that provides the data to the chart.
Filters: You can select one of the predefined filters, such as Records created this year, or add any custom filter (such as status = "Active").
Dimensions: These can be Datetime and Select fields. Datetime fields allow grouping (e.g., by day, by week, by month). The Skip missing values option is handy to remove values that would return null (e.g., records with incomplete data), and Calculate how many labels can be shown can avoid overlapping labels (which is useful for charts with many dates on the X-axis).
Metrics: Metrics are numeric fields and have a predefined count option. You can add multiple metric blocks and give each a different label, field (source), function (COUNTD, SUM, MAX, MIN, AVG, or STD, if possible), output (line or bar), and color.
Add a chart to a page
The final step is to add a chart to a page. To add this chart to the follow the steps below:
Enter Pages in the admin menu.
Click on the Page builder link of the page where you want to add the chart.
Add a page block of the type Chart, add a block title, and select the chart.
Resize and reposition the block (or blocks) to make the layout look nice.
Automation can make your Corteza Low Code application more efficient. With the Automation tool, you can create business logic that evaluates records automatically when they are created, updated, or deleted, or you can execute a rule manually. Automation consists of automation scripts and automation triggers.
Automation script
Automation scripts are written in JavaScript, one of the most used programming languages in the world, enabling you to write simple code that can evaluate, calculate, and transform data (such as numbers, strings, or dates).
Corteza provides some extra functions that help you to access, create, save, or delete records, find users, send notifications via email, use Corteza Messaging, and more.
These functions can be accessed via <ServiceName>.<functionName>
from inside automation scripts.
:Provides helper functions to work with Corteza Low Code, such as accessing, creating and deleting records.
:Provides helper functions to work with user interface for Corteza Low Code, such as opening record pages and showing notifications.
: Provides helper functions to work with Corteza Messaging, such as finding channels, creating channels and creating messages. -
:Provides helper functions to work with Corteza core system, such as finding and creating users and managing role membership.
Scripts that interact with the user interface (page redirects, success/error messages, …) must be ran inside the client’s browser. You can find this setting under automation script’s Settings tab - Run in browser. |
To make automation scripts as flexible as possible, we provide settings for extra configuration. These settings can be found under automation’s script’s Settings tab.
If this automation script should be executed.
Critical script:
Critical scripts must be executed entirely and without any errors. If an error occurs, it’s execution is canceled and all upcoming automation scripts are ignored.
Run this script asynchronously:
Asynchronous scripts are ran in the background and their results are ignored.
Run in browser:
Executes this script inside the client’s browser (user-agent). This should only be used for scripts that require user interaction, since this form of execution is not reliable.
Script execution timeout:
Specifies the duration in milliseconds, an automation script can execute for before aborting it’s execution.
Specifies what user will be used when the script is executed; defaults to current user
Security setting comes in handy when we want to execute some operations that not all users have access to; creating/updating records, creating users and their roles, … |
Automation trigger
Automation triggers connect automation scripts with resources, allowing the script to run when a specified event happens. We currently support record triggers and scheduled triggers.
Record triggers
Record triggers can be created on any module that is available for this namespace. You can find record triggers under automation script’s Record triggers tab.
Before create:
Before a record is created; you can use this trigger to do some validation, generate values, …
After create:
After a record is created; you can use this trigger to send notifications, update related records, …
Before update:
Before a record is updated; you can use this trigger to do some validation, generate values, …
After update:
After a record is updated; you can use this trigger to send notifications, update related records, …
Before delete:
Before a record is deleted; you can use this trigger to do some validation, remove related records, …
After delete:
After a record is deleted; you can use this trigger to remove related records, notify users, …
Trigger requires user interaction (a button press) in order to execute; you can use this trigger to convert a lead to a client, remove stale leads, …
When using before update/create automation triggers with an intent to change values for the record that triggered script execution; you don’t need to explicitly save the record; this is done automatically when the script finishes it’s execution. |
When using before update/create automation triggers with an intent of data validation, you can cancel execution by either throwing an |
Scheduled triggers
Scheduled triggers are executed at a specified time or in an interval. They are mainly used for periodic tasks, such as batch record updates, aggregation, updating records based on an external source, … You can find scheduled triggers under automation script’s Scheduled tab.
To use scheduled triggers, you must provide a user that is used for script execution as scripts will be executed on their own. This option is available under automation script’s Settings tab - Security. Make sure, that this user’s permissions allow all required operations that the automation script performs. |
Corteza CRM has an extensive set of automation scripts that can be used as examples. Some of them are:
Account: Create new case
Account: Create new opportunity
Case: Insert case number
Contract: Send contract to custom email
Lead: Convert a lead into an account and opportunity
Opportunity: Apply price book
Opportunity: Generate new quote
Quote: Submit quote for approval
Automation script development
For easier development, we recommend using our corteza-corredor-sdk repository as a starting point. It provides standardjs code linting (eslint), unit testing (mochajs + chaijs) and mocking (sinon) out of the box. You are also free to use the already provided code editor available under automation script’s Code tab.
A complete manual on how to use the automation module, together with code examples, is in development.
In Corteza Low Code you have full control over which role has access to what information.
You can set the following permissions to "Allow", "Inherit" or "Deny":
All namespaces
In the main namespaces menu you can set the following permissions for all namespaces by clicking on the "lock" icon:
Read any namespace
Update any namespace
Delete any namespace
Manage any namespace: Allow access to namespace’s admin pages
Create modules under any namespace
Create charts under any namespace
Create pages under any namespace
Create automation scripts under any namespace
Single namespace
When you enter the edit page of a namespace (via the namespaces menu), you can click on the "lock" icon to set the permissions of a single namespace. These settings overwrite the ones set in "All namespaces".
Read namespace "(namespace name)"
Update namespace "(namespace name)"
Delete namespace "(namespace name)"
Manage namespace "(namespace name)": Allow access to namespace’s admin pages
Create modules under namespace "(namespace name)"
Create charts under namespace "(namespace name)"
Create pages under namespace "(namespace name)"
Create automation scripts under namespace "(namespace name)"
Permissions inside a namespace
After setting permission to an entire namespace, you can further define permissions inside a namespace. You can define it for: * Modules ** Fields * Pages * Chart * Automation rules.
To do so, you need to go to the admin area of the namespace.
All modules
On the top you can click on the "lock" icon to set permissions for all modules. You can set the following permissions:
Read any module
Update any module
Delete any module
Create record of any module
Read records of any module
Update records of any module
Delete records of any module
Can manage automation triggers on any module
Single module
You can set permissions for a single module by clicking on the "lock" icon at the end of the module row. Like this you can for example hide complete modules for certain roles. You can define per role the following:
Read module "(module name)"
Update module "(module name)"
Delete module "(module name)"
Create record of module "(module name)"
Read record of module "(module name)"
Update record of module "(module name)"
Delete record of module "(module name)"
Can manage automation triggers on module "(module name)"