You are reading the documentation for an outdated Corteza release. 2024.9 is the latest stable Corteza release.


Authenticated user ($authUser)

Access info (User object) about the authenticated user (user who’s running the script)

Current $record, current $module

On automatically triggered scripts (before/after-create/update/delete) events and manually triggered scripts on record-pages, scripts can use $record and $module variables to access current record and/or current module.

In all methods where there is a function param for record or module that param can be omitted (or NULL-ed) and function will use current record or module (when available)

Module parameter

Resolution rules for module parameter in every ComposeHelper class method:

  • if string contains only digits, use as module ID and load module

  • if string, use as module name and load module

  • object, verify that it has namespaceID and moduleID properties

  • if null, use current $module (when available)