You are reading the documentation for an outdated Corteza release. 2024.9 is the latest stable Corteza release.

Production deployment

This example describes production-ready deployment. It depends on running nginx-proxy service (see [Nginx Proxy])

This demo uses 2 example domains: your-demo.example.tld and api.your-demo.example.tld. You should configure your DNS, add 2 hosts and point them to the IP address (A record) or hostname (CNAME record) of the server you’re using for Corteza deployment.

# We'll use this in all variables in docker-compose.yml

# Database connection

# Secret to use for JWT token
# Make sure you change it (>30 random characters) if
# you expose your deployment to outside traffic


# SMTP settings
# Point this to your local or external SMTP server
SMTP_FROM='"Demo" <info@your-demo.example.tld>'
version: '3.5'

    image: percona:8.0
    restart: on-failure
      # To be picked up by percona image when creating the database
      # Must match with DB_DSN settings inside .env
      MYSQL_DATABASE:      corteza
      MYSQL_USER:          corteza
      MYSQL_PASSWORD:      change-me
      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: change-me-too
    healthcheck: { test: ["CMD", "mysqladmin" ,"ping", "-h", "localhost"], timeout: 20s, retries: 10 }
    networks: [ internal ]
    # Uncomment to use local fs for data persistence
    # volumes: [ "./data/db:/var/lib/mysql" ]

    image: cortezaproject/corteza-server:${VERSION}
    restart: on-failure
    env_file: [ .env ]
    depends_on: [ db, corredor ]
    networks: [ proxy, internal ]
      VIRTUAL_HOST:     api.${DOMAIN}
      CORREDOR_API_BASE_URL_COMPOSE:   https://api.${DOMAIN}/compose
      CORREDOR_API_BASE_URL_MESSAGING: https://api.${DOMAIN}/messaging
      CORREDOR_API_BASE_URL_SYSTEM:    https://api.${DOMAIN}/system
    # Uncomment to use local fs for data persistence
    # volumes: [ "./data/server:/data" ]

    image: cortezaproject/corteza-server-corredor:${VERSION}
    networks: [ internal ]
    restart: on-failure
    env_file: [ .env ]

    image: cortezaproject/corteza-webapp:${VERSION}
    restart: on-failure
    depends_on: [ server ]
    networks: [ proxy ]
      MONOLITH_API:     "true"

  internal: {}
  proxy: { external: true }

Create an empty directory, with .env and docker-compose.yaml files and copy contents from the examples above. Some operating systems do not like files that start with a dot so make sure .env file is properly named.

We advise against merging/mixing Corteza and nginx-proxy in the same directory.

It can be done but requires some experience with Docker Compose.

Make sure your nginx-proxy service is running before running. If nginx-proxy service is not started or you changed your configuration somehow, you might get error like:

ERROR: Network proxy declared as external, but could not be found. Please create the network manually using `docker network create proxy` and try again.

Inspect your configuration files and compare them with ones provied in this documentation.

Start all services (database, server, corredor, webapp)
docker-compose up -d
Running docker-compose ps should produce something like:
        Name                       Command                  State              Ports
production_corredor_1 node  ...   Up             80/tcp
production_db_1         / mysqld     Up (healthy)   3306/tcp, 33060/tcp
production_server_1     /bin/corteza-server serve-api    Up             80/tcp
production_webapp_1     /                   Up             80/tcp

You can see 4 services up and running. Your services should soon (under a couple of minutes) be available on the configured domains.

Direct your browser to http://your-demo.example.tld. On first visit, you should be redirected to /auth where you can login, sign up, etc.

Create your account through the sign-up form. Corteza detects if the database is empty and auto-promotes first user to administration role.

Stopping and removing containers and date (do not ask for confirmation, stop containers if running and remove volumes)
docker-compose rm --force --stop -v

Other useful docker-compose commands:

View container output (logs) and follow output and output 20 lines from each service
docker-compose logs --follow --tail 20