Opportunities are associated with revenue. When you generate an opportunity from an account (or directly from converting a lead) this means that you uncovered a potential future sale.
Every opportunity needs a name, which needs to be added manually. It’s important that others understand what the opportunity contains by simply looking at the name. So, an opportunity name like “300 licenses” is clear.
By default the close date is set to one month after opportunity creation date, but this date can easily be modified.
To qualify a lead it useful to figure out the following data:
Budget (Check if there is actually a budget)
Authority (Check if you are talking to or being able to get through to the decision makers)
Need (Check if there is actually a need for the product / service)
Timeline (Check by when the product / service needs to be delivered or implemented, and if this time line makes sense)
Competition (Check who you are competing with)
In order to get a good idea of the stage the opportunity is in, you need to use the “stage” field. By default, it’s set to “Qualification”. Once correctly qualified, you can move it to “Proposal” (or to “Need Analysis”, if more analysis is needed. Following steps are “Negotiation”, followed by “Closed Won” or “Closed Lost”.