You are reading the documentation for an outdated Corteza release. 2024.9 is the latest stable Corteza release.

Knowledge base (KB)

To solve cases faster agents have access to a Knowledge Base (KB), either directly from within a case record, or in the Knowledge Base module.

Each KB item has an autogenerated ID, type (Solution, FAQ, Tutorial, General), title, content at category. Optionally, it can be linked to a certain product, and have files attached.

To help maintaining the quality of the KB items, Service Cloud offer the possibility to mark items as "New", "Pending Review", "Accepted", "Obsolete" or "Duplicate".

Cases with this KB Item as Solution

In a solved case you an set which KB item was used as solution (if this was the case). This gives insights in what type of KB items are most used to solve cases, and which ones are not. It also allows other service agents to easier find the correct KB item for cases they are working on, looking at previously solved similar cases.