In Service Cloud you can link a case to a product. This enables you to have a complete overview of how much service is provided for a certain product or product family. A product can be a physical product or a service.
Default fields in this module are the product code, name, category and description. You can set the entitlement template, allowing you to easily set entitlements for clients. Optionally, you can set a product photo and attach files (such as manuals).
Total time and cost
An important block is "Cases Totals". Here are calculated values that show how much support have been given to the product. The first value is time: how many hours. The second value is cost: how much money. This allows you to easily detect products that are requiring to much support, and you can act on it accordingly.
Entitlements related to the product
The "Entitlements for this product" block shows all customers that are entitled to support for this product. More info about entitlements can be found in the "Entitlements" and "Entitlement templates" chapters.