Charts provide a way of visualizing your data that allows you to define beautiful reports and dashboards.
Corteza Low Code implements a powerful chart building system, that allows you to build charts of arbitrary complexity.
Corteza Low Code supports:
Bar charts,
pie charts,
doughnut charts,
pie charts,
line charts,
funnel charts,
gauge charts
Create a new chart
To create a new chart, navigate to the "Charts" administration sub page. Enter a chart name and press on the "Add chart", which asks you to select the chart category.
Once selected, you are presented with the following:
Name: The module name should in PascalCase with spaces allowed, it should be short and descriptive, with no special characters except for : (colon), - (dash), _ (underscore), / (forward slash) and \ (backwards slash). For example: Quote Line,
Handle: The module handle should be in snake_case, it should be short and descriptive, with no special characters. If provided, it must:
start with a character,
contain only characters, numbers, _ (underscore), - (dash) or . (dot),
end with a character or a number.
Color theme: One of the predefined color themes that should be used inside the chart,
Module: What module provides the data for the chart,
Filter: How the data should be prefiltered before a response is generated. The interface already provides a set of predefined filters for quicker setup.
Y-axis: Allows you to customize the y-axis to best fit your data representation,
Dimensions: Define the dimension (the x-axis) of the chart. Dimensions can be defined on simple or structured fields.
Dimension function: Defines how the data is aggregated before the response is generated,
Metrics: Metric define numerical values that will be displayed in the chart. Metrics only support Number type fields and a special "count", that provides the number of records.
Metric post processing: A post processing function allows you to take the result of a given metric and perform some additional operations, such as rounding the value, aggregating the values, etc.
Metric output: Defines how the values are represented, such as a pie, set of bars or a line.