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Record Validation

Automation scripts provide the ability to validate records before they are created or updated. This helps us define a system that is more resilient to the dangers of malformed user input.

Record validation from a script can be performed by scripts that are executed on:

server scripts:
  • beforeCreate,

  • beforeUpdate.

client scripts:
  • beforeFormSubmit,

  • onFormSubmitError.

When we wish to warn the user about a value error, the flow differs from client and server scripts, but the result is the same — a set of validator.ValidatorError objects contained inside a validator.Validated object (refer to [coredev-compose-recordValidation] for details).

interface ValidatorError {
  kind: string;
  message: string;
  meta: { [key: string]: unknown };

interface Validated {
  set: ValidatorError[];

Server scripts

When we wish to provide value errors from server scripts, we simply throw an instance of validator.ValidatorError. For example:

import { validator } from '@cortezaproject/corteza-js'

export default {
  async exec ({ $record }) {
    if ($record.value.Field !== 'Super Specific Value') {
      throw new validator.ValidatorError({
        kind: 'invalidValue',
        message: 'You didn\'t inter the super specific value',
        meta: {
          field: 'Field',
          recordID: $record.recordID,

Client Scripts

When executing client scripts, two extra parameters are present:


The parameter contains the compose.RecordValidator object, that can be used to validate the record this script is executing for.


The parameter contains the validator.Validated object, that contains current errors, and provides a place to store new errors.

When we wish to provide value errors from inside client scripts, we either use the ctx.validator or construct a validator.ValidatorError object manually. The validator.ValidatorErrors should then be pushed into ctx.errors. For example:

import { validator } from '@cortezaproject/corteza-js'

export default {
  async exec ({ $record }, { errors, validator }) {
    const errs = new validator.Validated()
    if ($record.values.Field !== 'Super Specific Value') {
      errs.push(new validator.ValidatorError({
        kind: 'invalidValue',
        message: 'You didn\'t inter the super specific value',
        meta: {
          field: 'Field',
          recordID: $record.recordID,

    $record.values.FullName = `${$record.values.FirstName} ${$record.values.LastName}`

When the validator is unable to find any errors, the returned validator.Validated contains an empty set. Since the value is always present, there is no need for if statements, such as

if (errs && !errs.valid()) {