You are reading the documentation for an outdated Corteza release. 2024.9 is the latest stable Corteza release.


You can use all of the formatting and different components that AsciiDoc allows. We do define some exceptions for better consistency when working with more flexible components. The conventions listed below must be followed when contributing to any part of the documentation.


Ordered lists

Ordered lists should be defined with the . instead of using actual numbers. For example:

. List point 1,
. list point 2.
Unordered lists

Unordered lists should be defined with the *. For example:

* List point 1,
* list point 2.

Use ordered/unordered lists only when the lines are relatively short. If the list should provide detailed description, use the multi-line description block:

// Make the general outline outline the entire content of the description.
[General outline here]::
    [Description here].

For example:

== Product overview documentation


Product Overview::
    Describe what the product is and what it’s not...

    Provide a rough overview over the security system - users, roles, access control and so on...

    Outline all of the important components and what they are and/or could be used for...


Code snippets

Short one-liners

When specifying short code snippets such as a CLI command use the single backtick (`),

Longer code snippets

Try to avoid long code snippets as much as possible unless when working on examples. Use the source code syntax [source,{language here}] blocked 4 dashes ----. For example:



Use the admonition block syntax when wanting to create admonitions. For example:

This is *very* important!