Prompt notification
This example prompts the user to enter a value and then displays it as a notification.
export default {
label: "Script label",
description: 'Script description',
* triggers ({ on }) {
// This script myst be invoked manually (explicitly)
yield on('manual')
// for a record
// if the record belongs to the Quote module
.where('module', 'Contact')
// and the module belongs to the crm namespace -- this is the slug
.where('namespace', 'crm')
// visible in the compose application
.uiProp('app', 'compose')
// Refer to the integrator guide for details on these two parameters
async exec ({ $record }, { Compose, ComposeUI }) {
const value = window.prompt('Please insert a value')
if (!value) {
ComposeUI.warning('No value provided')
return false
// Do something with the inserted value
// ...
ComposeUI.success(`Hi! You've entered ${value}!`)