Script execution
What operation the given script performs is determined by the execution function (referred to as the exec function). The function conforms to the following interface:
interface ScriptFn {
(args: exec.Args, ctx?: exec.Ctx): unknown;
Execution arguments
Arguments to a client-script are provided via references to the original objects, meaning that any change to the argument parameter will reflect to the original object. For example, running the following code in the client script’s exec function will reflect the values without the need of returning the updated record.
The execution arguments provide an object containing all of the arguments related to the given operation and resource.
For example, when working with records this will contain the $record
, $module
and $namespace
Refer to resources and events for a complete list of available arguments.
Execution context
The execution context provides an object containing things related to the given system. It contains:
Used for logging. When running in the UA, this will be native
. When running in Corredor, this will be aPino
instance, ctx.log
Shortcut for
, ctx.$authUser
User object corresponding to the security context,
API client for Corteza System interaction,
API client for Corteza Low Code interaction,
API client for Corteza Messaging interaction,
Helper class instance for the Corteza System,
Helper class instance for the Corteza Low Code,
Helper class instance for the Corteza Low Code user interface,
Helper class instance for the Corteza Messaging,
Base URL used by front-end web applications. This is useful when generating URL’s inside server scripts.
Execution result
- Unknown Error
An error aborts the script’s execution chain (the current script and all following scripts).
- Aborted Error
An error with the value of
stops the execution of the current automation script. Any further scripts down the chain are executed as usual. false
Same as aborted error. A return value of
stops the execution of the current automation script. Any further scripts down the chain are executed as usual. - unknown
Any other return value specifies that the execution was successful and the following script (if any) can execute.