You are reading the documentation for an outdated Corteza release. 2024.9 is the latest stable Corteza release.


Released on: 2021-10-18

Contributors: Peter Grlica (GH), Denis Arh (GH), Katrin Yordanova (GH), Jože Fortun (GH), Vivek Patel (GH), Matija Rešek (GH), Mario Burazer (GH)

  • Added handle/slug error text in Compose (c7f543ec).

  • Extend record export with filter in Compose (1f5d2abf).

  • Added tooltip for Integration Gateway endpoint in Admin (d897ba3d).

  • Added server sorting fields to integration gateway to support UI (c388f8).

  • Added Bytes ([]byte) expression type (614237).

  • Improved colour scheme picker in Compose (211227ba).

  • Open Admin template previews in new tab (88f05df2).

  • Refactored message bus to conform to rbac, service and package layer architecture (54b716).

  • Improved Integration Gateway filter handling (c6e3d0e9).

  • Fixed Compose calendar buttons styles.

  • Fixed back-button on record viewer.

  • Fixed Admin compose settings not reflected in Compose (bf9e7064).

  • Fixed for unsupported MIME types error message not showing in Compose (8561dca6).

  • Fixed query handling when exporting records in Compose (78e6d296).

  • Fixed server workflow step duplicate issue (e2e751).

  • Fixed unique constraint matching on resources on server (59ffe7).

  • Fixed: Missing Corteza server image root ssl certificates that caused issues with outbound HTTP and SMTP requests (8b008545).

  • Fixed invalid z-index for record list filter components (6171af5b).