Field expression functions
Text functions
Function | Signature | Description | Example |
trim |
The function removes the leading and trailing whitespaces, see strings.TrimSpace |
trimLeft |
The function removes the leading occurence of characters |
trimRight |
The function removes the trailing occurence of characters |
length |
The function returns the length of the string |
toLower |
The function converts all characters to lowercase. |
toUpper |
The function converts all characters to uppercase. |
shortest |
The function returns the shortest string. |
longest |
The function returns the longest string. |
format |
Returns the formatted string., see String formatting for available formatting options. |
title |
The function returns the first character uppercased in line of strings. |
untitle |
The function returns the first character lowercased in line of strings. |
repeat |
The function repeats string n times, see strings.Repeat |
replace |
The function returns a copy of the string s with the first n non-overlapping instances of old replaced by new, see strings.Replace |
split |
The function slices s into all substrings separated by sep and returns a slice of the substrings between those separators, see strings.Split |
join |
The function concatenates the elements of its first argument to create a single string, see strings.Join |
substring |
The function extracts a substring from original string specifying end value will not match till end of string |
shorten |
The function shortens by type (char / word) to {count} occurences followed by ellipsis |
camelize |
The function camelizes string |
snakify |
The function snakifies string |
isUrl |
The function returns true if url is valid |
isEmail |
The function returns true if an email is valid |
hasSubstring |
`hasSubstring(string, substring, case) |
The function checks if a substring exists in original string use watchCase if need case sensitivity |
hasPrefix |
The function tests whether the string s begins with prefix, see strings.HasPrefix |
hasSuffix |
The function tests whether the string s ends with suffix, see strings.hasSuffix |
Numeric functions
Function | Signature | Description | Example |
min |
The function returns item with the lowest value. |
max |
The function returns item with the highest value. |
round |
The function rounds a floating point number to the specified number of digits. |
floor |
The function rounds number down to the nearest integer. |
ceil |
The function rounds number up to the nearest integer. |
abs |
The function returns the absolute value of x, see math.Abs |
log |
The function returns the decimal logarithm of x, see math.Log10 |
pow |
The function returns x**y, the base-x exponential of y, see math.Pow |
sqrt |
The function returns correctly rounded sqrt, see math.Sqrt |
sum |
The function returns the sum of all arguments |
average |
The function returns the average of all arguments |
List functions
Function | Signature | Description | Example |
push |
The function adds an element to the end of list and returns the list. |
pop |
The function returns the last element off the list. |
shift |
The function returns the first element of the list. |
count |
The function returns the number of items when provided as an argument, or the entire length of the array when no argument is provided. |
has |
The function returns true if any of the values exist in first element |
hasAll |
The function returns true if all of the values exist in first element |
KV functions
The resulting type of the KV function is based on the first argument. You may not provide multiple different KV types (KV, KVV, Vars) into the same function. To examplify; |
Function | Signature | Description | Example |
set |
The function assigns a value to the given KV type. |
merge |
The function combines all of the given KV types into a single KV type. |
filter |
The function returns a KV type with only the specified key-value pairs. |
omit |
The function returns a KV type without the specified key-value pairs. |
General functions
Function | Signature | Description | Example |
coalesce |
The function returns the first non |
isEmpty |
The function returns true if the value is empty |
isNil |
The function returns true if the value is Nil |
Date Time functions
Function | Signature | Description | Example |
earliest |
The function returns earliest DateTime. |
latest |
The function returns latest DateTime. |
parseISOTime |
The function returns parsed ISO DateTime. |
modTime |
The function returns the modified time part of the DateTime. |
modDate |
The function returns modified day part of the DateTime. |
modWeek |
The function returns modified week part of the DateTime. |
modMonth |
The function returns modified month part of the DateTime. |
modYear |
The function returns modified year part of the DateTime. |
parseDuration |
The function returns parsed duration. |
strftime |
The function returns DateTime string for the specified date and format, see Date and time formatting for available formatting options. |
now |
The function returns current DateTime string. |
isLeapYear |
The function returns true if the specified year is leap year. |
isWeekDay |
The function returns true if the specified day is week day. |
String formatting
- Description
Returns the boolean value as true/false.
- Example
format("%t", true)
results in "true"
- Description
Returns the number in base 2 (in the binary format).
- Example
format("%b", 10)
results in "1010"
- Description
Returns the number in base 8 with 0o prefix.
- Example
format("%O", 10)
results in "0o12"
- Description
Returns the number in base 16; lower-case a-f.
- Example
format("%x", 10)
results in "a"
- Description
Returns the number in base 16; upper-case A-F.
- Example
format("%X", 10)
results in "A"
- Description
Returns the floating point number in scientific notation with binary exponent.
- Example
format("%b", 10.11)
results in "5691424029089464p-49"
- Description
Returns the floating point number in scientific notation; lower-case e.
- Example
format("%e", 10.11)
results in "1.011000e+01"
Date and time formatting
- Description
Returns the year with century as a decimal number.
- example
strftime(dateField, "%Y")
results in "1993"
- Description
Returns the year without century as a decimal number (00-99).
- example
strftime(dateField, "%y")
results in "93"
- Description
Returns year / 100 as a decimal number; single digits are preceded by a zero.
- example
strftime(dateField, "%C")
results in "19"
- Description
Returns the month as a decimal number (01-12).
- example
strftime(dateField, "%m")
results in "02"
- Description
Returns the full national month name.
- example
strftime(dateField, "%B")
results in "February"
- Description
Returns the abbreviated national month name.
- example
strftime(dateField, "%b")
results in "Feb"
- Description
Returns the week number of the year (Sunday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number (00-53).
- example
strftime(dateField, "%U")
results in "05"
- Description
Returns the week number of the year (Monday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number (01-53).
- example
strftime(dateField, "%V")
results in "05"
- Description
Returns the week number of the year (Monday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number (00-53).
- example
strftime(dateField, "%W")
results in "05"
- Description
Returns the full national weekday name.
- example
strftime(dateField, "%A")
results in "Tuesday"
- Description
Returns the abbreviated national weekday name.
- example
strftime(dateField, "%a")
results in "Tue"
- Description
Returns the day of the month as a decimal number (01-31).
- example
strftime(dateField, "%d")
results in "02"
- Description
Returns the day of the month as a decimal number (1-31).
- example
strftime(dateField, "%e")
results in " 2"
- Description
Returns the day of the year as a decimal number (001-366).
- example
strftime(dateField, "%j")
results in "033"
- Description
Returns the weekday (Monday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number (1-7).
- example
strftime(dateField, "%u")
results in "5"
- Description
Returns the weekday (Sunday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number (0-6).
- example
strftime(dateField, "%w")
results in "2"
- Description
Returns the hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number (00-23).
- example
strftime(dateField, "%H")
results in "06"
- Description
Returns the hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number (0-23).
- example
strftime(dateField, "%k")
results in " 6"
- Description
Returns the hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number (01-12).
- example
strftime(dateField, "%I")
results in "06"
- Description
Returns the hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number (1-12).
- example
strftime(dateField, "%l")
results in " 6"
- Description
Returns the minute as a decimal number (00-59).
- example
strftime(dateField, "%M")
results in "00"
- Description
Returns the second as a decimal number (00-60).
- example
strftime(dateField, "%S")
results in "00"
- Description
Returns the millisecond as a decimal number (000-999).
- example
strftime(dateField, "%S")
results in "000"
- Description
Returns the national representation of either "ante meridiem" (a.m.) or "post meridiem" (p.m.).
- example
strftime(dateField, "%p")
results in "AM"
- Description
Returns the national representation of time and date.
- example
strftime(dateField, "%c")
results in "Tue Feb 2 06:00:00 1993"
- Description
Returns the national representation of the time.
- example
strftime(dateField, "%X")
results in "06:00:00"
- Description
Returns the national representation of the date.
- example
strftime(dateField, "%x")
results in "02/02/93"
- Description
Returns the time zone offset from UTC.
- example
strftime(dateField, "%z")
results in "-0500"