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Module field types

The field type reference is under construction. The content is here, but it is missing some finishing touches.

The field type and the workflow type are not the same.

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Checkbox (Y/N)

A Checkbox field type represents a true/false (truthy/faulty) value (a boolean). The Checkbox field type should be used to store either a positive or a negative value. For example, was the subscription paid, or is the contact subscribed to your newsletter.

A field of type Checkbox is represented as a label when it is being viewed. When the field is being edited, it is represented as a checkbox.

Table 1. Additional configurations:

true/false label

Allows you to specify what label is shown when the value is truthy or faulty when viewing the field.

Date and time

A Date and time field type represents a temporal value (a timestamp). The Date and time field type should be used when you wish to store some temporal information; a date, a time, or both. For example, the time that the lead was converted.

A field of type Date and time is represented as a formatted label when it is being viewed. When the field is being edited, it is represented as a date input, a time input, or a date-time input.

Table 2. Additional configurations:

Date only

Removes the time and only keeps the date in of the provided value. When editing the field, only the date input is shown.

Time only

Removes the date and only keeps the time in of the provided value. When editing the field, only the time input is shown.

Past values only

Configures the field input to only permit past values.

Future values only

Configures the field input to only permit future values.

Output relative value

Displays the value relative to the time when the field is viewed. For example, 10min ago, or last month.

Output format

Allows you to define the format in which the value is shown. Use the formatting options defined by moment.js.


An Email field type represents an email address. The Email field type should be used when you wish to store an email. For example, the primary email address of the client.

A field of type Email is represented as a label or a clickable link when it is being viewed. When the field is being edited, it is represented as an email input box.

The email is stored as plain text regardless of the configuration options. The email is converted to a link before it is shown on the user interface.

Table 3. Additional configurations:

Don’t turn email into a link

The email address is shown as a regular label instead of a clickable link.

Select / dropdown

A select / dropdown field type represents a limited value set for the given field. The select / dropdown field type should be used when you wish to store one of the before defined values. For example, the stage of a case or the stage of a lead.

A field of type select / dropdown is represented as a label when it is being viewed. When the field is being edited, it is represented as a dropdown input box.

Table 4. Additional configurations:


A set of available options that this field can have. An option is provided as a key-value pair. The value defines how the data is stored internally, the label defines how the data is shown on the user interface.

When working with selects inside automation scripts or workflows, use the value when working with values.

Multiple value input type

Defines how the multi-value variant of the field is represented.

DevNote list and describe the options?


A Number field type represents a numeric value. The Number field type should be used when you wish to store any numeric values. For example, the cost of a subscription or the cost of a lead.

A field of type Number is represented as a formatted label when it is being viewed. When the field is being edited, it is represented as a number input box.

Table 5. Additional configurations:


The prefix to the formatted label. For example, the prefix of $ and the value of 1000 would result in the label of $1000.


The suffix to the formatted label. For example, the suffix of USD/h and the value of 1000 would result in the label of 1000 USD/h.


The precision of the numbers stored under this field. The precision is limited to 6. For example, the precision of 3 would allow you to store numbers with up to three decimal places.


The formatting that should be applied to the displayed value. Use the formatting options defined by numeral.js.


A Record field type represents a reference to another record. The Record field type should be used when you wish to define a relation between two modules. For example, the parent transaction, or the account owner.

DevNote disclaimer about working with these values.

You can only reference records in the same namespace.

A field of type Record is represented as a clickable link to the related record when it is being viewed. When the field is being edited, it is represented as a searchable dropdown box.

Table 6. Additional configurations:


Specifies what module this field will be linked to.

Record label field

Specifies what field should be used when generating the link to the related record.

Pre-filter records

Specifies the pre-filter that will be applied to the user-defined search in the dropdown. Refer to the QL reference for details.

Query fields on search

Specifies what field should be included when searching over the available records.


A String field type represents a generic text value. The String field type should be used when you wish to store some text. For example, the name of a contact or the TOS that should be shown to the client.

A field of type String is represented as a text when it is being viewed. When the field is being edited, it is represented as a text input box or a rich text input box.

Table 7. Additional configurations:


Expands the text input box to be a multi-line text input box.

Use rich text editor

Expands the text input box to be a multi-line rich tex input box. The text is stored as a valid HTML so the value can be used in emails or other HTML accepted places.


A URL field type represents a URL address. The URL field type should be used when you wish to store a URL address. For example, the link to the clients' homepage.

A field of type URL is represented as a label or a clickable link when it is being viewed. When the field is being edited, it is represented as a URL input box.

The URL is stored as plain text regardless of the configuration options. The URL is converted to a link before it is shown on the user interface.

Table 8. Additional configurations:

Trim # from the URL

Removes the URL fragment (the text after the #).

Trim ? from the URL

Removes the URL query (the text after the ?).

only allow SSL (HTTPS) URLs

Only allows secure (HTTPS) URL addresses.

Don’t turn URL into a link

The URL address is shown as a regular label instead of a clickable link.


A User field type represents a reference to a system user. The User field type should be used when you wish to define a relation between a record and a system user. For example, the owner of the record or the task assignee.

DevNote disclaimer about working with these values.

A field of type User is represented as label when it is being viewed. When the field is being edited, it is represented as a searchable dropdown box.

Table 9. Additional configurations:

Preset with current user

Preselects the current user when you are creating/updating a record where that value doesn’t yet exist.

multiple value input type

Defines how the multi-value variant of the field is represented.

File upload

A File upload field type represents a reference to an uploaded attachment. The File upload field type should be used when you wish to attach some document to the record. For example, the clients' quote or a legal document.

A field of type File upload is represented as clickable link when it is being viewed. When the field is being edited, it is represented as a drag’n drop file upload box.

Table 10. Additional configurations:

View mode

Specify how the files are presented when they are being viewed.

DevNote list & describe the available options.