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Docker Compose

If you are not planning on using Docker you can skip this section entirely.

Environment setup

If your system already has Docker (we recommend at least version 18.0) and Docker Compose installed, you can safely skip this.

You can checkout your Docker version by entering docker -v in your CLI.

If you don’t have Docker installed, or the version is below the recommended version, download and install a Docker community edition for desktop or server or cloud that fits your environment.

docker-compose file

The docker-compose.yaml file describes the different services, networks and storage configurations, used to configure your Docker containers. Refer to the Docker Compose documentation for a complete reference.

Some useful Docker Compose commands

Stop and remove containers along with their volumes without confirmation

docker-compose rm --force --stop -v

View container logs

docker-compose logs --follow --tail 20
# You can additionally filter by service; for example:
docker-compose logs --follow --tail 20 server

Executing with Docker Compose (when service is started)

docker-compose exec <service name> help

Executing with docker (when a container is running)

docker exec -it <container name> help

Running with Docker Compose (when service is not started)

docker run -it --rm <container name> help

Executing with Docker (when container is not running)

docker run -it --rm [docker run options] <container name> help

Running and executing with Docker Compose should be easier and simpler because all required options and settings for the container are packed in the docker-compose.yaml file.