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Client scripts

Automation scripts allow you to implement custom business logic that is required for your needs. Client scripts are executed in the client’s browser. Refer to integrator guide/extensions for more details.

Prompt notification

This example prompts the user to enter a value and then displays it as a notification.

export default {
  label: "Script label",
  description: 'Script description',

  * triggers ({ on }) {
    // This script myst be invoked manually (explicitly)
    yield on('manual')
      // for a record
      // if the record belongs to the Quote module
      .where('module', 'Contact')
      // and the module belongs to the crm namespace -- this is the slug
      .where('namespace', 'crm')
      // visible in the compose application
      .uiProp('app', 'compose')

  // Refer to the integrator guide for details on these two parameters
  async exec ({ $record }, { Compose, ComposeUI }) {

    const value = window.prompt('Please insert a value')
    if (!value) {
      ComposeUI.warning('No value provided')
      return false

    // Do something with the inserted value
    // ...

    ComposeUI.success(`Hi! You've entered ${value}!`)

Prefill values

This example prefills some record values in case they are not provided.

This can also be done with the module field default value setting.

export default {
  label: "Script label",
  description: 'Script description',

  * triggers ({ before }) {
    // This script myst be invoked manually (explicitly)
    yield before('formSubmit')
      // for a record
      // if the record belongs to the Request module
      .where('module', 'Request')
      // and the module belongs to the crm namespace -- this is the slug
      .where('namespace', 'crm')

  // Refer to the integrator guide for details on these two parameters
  async exec ({ $record, $module }, { Compose }) {
    // Lets get the defaults from a Default module.
    // This allows some more flexibility
    const defaults = await Compose.findFirstRecord('Defaults')

    for (const k in $record.values) {
      if (!$record.values[k]) {
        $record.values[k] = defaults.values[k]

    // IMPORTANT: client-scripts work with references, so you don't need to
    // explicitly return the $record -- this is already applied when we
    // assigned a new value above.
    return $record