You are reading the documentation for an outdated Corteza release. 2024.9 is the latest stable Corteza release.


DevNote: Add some insight in debugging failing scripts.

Why is this script not valid?

An automation script is valid if:
  • it is defined in a .js file,

  • it is located under client-scripts or server-scripts,

  • it defines an export default {…​},

  • defines at least one valid trigger,

  • defines a security context if it the script is a sink or deferred,

  • conforms to the script signature.

In the case of a client-script, make sure that the file structure is appropriate.

Why can’t I see my scripts?

  • that the Corredor container has access to the extension,

    • either via an existing volume, or a new volume.

  • that you’ve uploaded your source files to your server,

  • that you’ve reloaded your containers.

If you’re registering a new volume, you must use docker-compose up -d

If you’re using an existing volume, you can use docker-compose restart