Content |
A content page block is used to contain some static content, such as an important announcement, help text, or some contact information.
Metric |
Metric page blocks display some calculated number based on the data in your namespace.
You can use metric page blocks to show things like the total number of leads or the months' revenue.
Configuration options:
- Label
Metric label specifies what the metric shows; this is not visible to the user.
- Dimension module
Dimension module specifies what module will be used as a data source.
- Dimension filter
The dimension filter allows you to filter the data source to include only the records you wish to have.
- Metric field
Metric field specifies what field will be used to calculate the metric.
This can be one of the numeric fields or the general record count.
- Metric aggregation operation
Metric aggregation operation specifies how the value is generated.
You can pick one of the count , sum , max , min , or avg functions.
- Metric transform value
Metric transform value specifies how the calculated value is transformed before displayed to the user.
You can implement things like rounding, and percentage calculations.
See some examples.
- Metric number format
Metric number format specifies how to format the final result.
See Numeral.js for available number formatting options.
- Metric prefix
Metric prefix specifies the prefix to be used when displaying the final result.
- Metric suffix
Metric suffix specifies the suffix to be used when displaying the final result.
- Style
The style section specifies how to style the metric when showing it to the user.
Chart |
A chart page block allows you to show your charts on the page.
Refer to [data-model-charts] for more details.
Social media feed |
Currently, only Twitter feeds are supported.
Social media feed page blocks let you embed content from different social media platforms.
This can help you keep up with the client’s latest updates.
When you use a social media feed within a record page, the source can be defined by a module field.
Record |
This page block type is only available for record pages.
Record page blocks let you access and change data related to a specific record.
You can define multiple record page blocks for a nicer field grouping.
For example, you can put contact-related information in one block, shipping-related information in another, and so on.
When selecting fields, you can rearrange these by dragging them around.
Record list |
Record list page blocks display the contents of a module as a table.
Record lists also provide a way of adding new, and editing or removing existing records.
You can trigger explicit automation scripts within the record list’s header.
Click the "Automation" tab to select the automation scripts.
Configuration options:
- Module
The module specifies what module will be used as a data source.
- Hide the add record button
Hide the "Add" button; disabling the ability to add new records from this record list.
- Allow inline record editing
Inline record editing is only available in record pages.
It lets you edit, add, or remove records from the child record list when editing a parent record.
Imagine a quote as a parent record, and a record list of quote line items as a child record list.
- Prefilter records
Prefiltering allows you to filter the data source to include only the records you wish to have.
See some examples.
- Hide search box
Disables the search box.
- Presort records
Presorting allows you to specify the initial sorting.
Use standard SQL syntax.
See some examples.
- Hide paging
Hides the record list paging section.
- Allow records export
Allow records export show an "Export" button on the record list to export your data.
- Enable record selection
Enables record selection by providing a selection checkbox next to each row.
When using the search box on the record list, the system only includes the selected fields.
DevNote: move this somewhere else?
Automation |
An automation page block allows your users to trigger explicit automation scripts.
When specifying what buttons to show, you are also able to set the label and the button variant.
If you can’t see your automation scripts:
make sure there were no compilation errors,
you refreshed your page after you’ve added the scripts,
the trigger defined a .uiProp('app', 'compose') constraint.
Calendar |
A calendar page block lets you show records on a calendar.
Supported calendar views:
month view,
week view,
day view,
agenda view.
Record event source uses a module as the data source, where each record specifies event parameters; the label, start, and end dates.
Calendar event sources enable pre-filtering.
DevNote: link QL; enable value interpolation?
Reminder event source uses your system reminders as the data source, where each reminder specifies event parameters; the label, start, and end dates.
File |
A file page block is used to contain a set of files (attachments), such as TOS, schedule, or a brochure.
Record organizer |
Record organizer page blocks let you define a series for columns (stages) that a record is in.
Imagine a kanban board — you can build one with record organizers.
The columns define a drag 'n drop interface.
IFrame |
An iframe page block is used to embed some external website inside your application.
Make sure to keep any iframe embedding limitation in mind; we are no exception.