You are reading the documentation for an outdated Corteza release. 2024.9 is the latest stable Corteza release.


Corteza Component Catalogue (C3) is a tool for building UI components in an insulated environment, making it easier to develope independent components.

C3 was inspired by Storybook with the main difference of "hooking into" components instead of defining stories to outline the functionality.

DevNot the core logic is in corteza-vue; update those docs as well.

C3 is only used in development mode. In order to use C3, run the following command:

yarn dev-env

Structure overview


The src/dev-env.js file defines all of the configuration required by the C3 feature; essentially it defines an insulated Vue application.

Refer to the client/web/admin; /src/dev-env.js for an example configuration.


The components/C3.js file is the main registry that defines components usable by the C3 feature.

Refer to the client/web/admin; /src/components/C3.js for an example configuration


The *.c3.js file defines the C3 configuration for the given component. Both the configuration file and the component file should share the same name.

For example, CSubmitButton.vue should define the CSubmitButton.c3.js configuration file.

Adding new components

To register the component in C3, you need to:
  • define the .c3.js config file

  • define the .vue component file

  • register the component in the C3 registry

If done correctly, the output should look something like the following screenshot.

c3 example submit button
Figure 1. The screenshot provides an example of showing the configuration button component inside the C3.

Define the config file

The .c3.js config file should be named after the component itself. To examplify; the Button.vue component should define the Button.c3.js configuration file.

The configuration file reference:
const props = { (1)
  processing: false,
  success: false,
  disabled: true,
  buttonClass: 'mt-2 pt-1',
  variant: 'outline-primary',
  iconVariant: '',

export default {
  name : 'Submit button', (2)
  group : ['Root components'], (3)
  component, (4)

  controls: [ (5)
    checkbox('Processing', 'processing'),
    checkbox('Success', 'success'),
    checkbox('Disabled', 'disabled'),
    input('Button class', 'buttonClass'),

  scenarios: [ (6)
    { label: 'Full form',
    { label: 'Empty form',
      props: {
        disabled: false,
        buttonClass: '',
1 An object containing all of the properties that should be passed into the component when it is being rendered. Additional properties can be passed through scenarios to modify based on needs.
2 The name for the component.
3 The group allows you to group common or related components together.
4 The component itself.
5 Defines the set of controls that can be used to interact with the components' properties. The available controls are: generic, input, textarea, checkbox, and select.
6 Scenarios define a set of predefined…​ scenarios to display how the component looks like with different states.

Add an entry to the C3 registry

To make the component available, you need to register it in the registry.

An example of adding the CSubmitButton component:
// ...
// additional component imports
// ...
import { default as CSubmitButton } from './CSubmitButton.c3'

export default {
  // ...
  // additional components
  // ...


Learning the C3 UI

c3 example submit button
Figure 2. The screenshot provides an example of showing the configuration button component inside the C3.

Registered components are available in the left navigation, nested based on their groups.

When opened, the component and it’s controls are displayed on the right side of the screen.

On the top we have the component.

Bottom-left, we have the controls which allow us to modify the properties of the given scenario

Bottom-right, we have the pre-defined scenarios to outline the more important states the component can be in.