You are reading the documentation for an outdated Corteza release. 2024.9 is the latest stable Corteza release.


Corteza logs most of the operations that have occurred in the system in the action log. The action log user interface provides an overview of events such as users that have registered or logged in, records that have been created, and templates that have been rendered.

Errors reported by the Corredor server are also visible in the action log.

You can use the action log for debugging and detecting suspicious behavior as it provides a rich insight into what has occurred.

The action log interface

The action log user interface resides in the Corteza Admin web application, under system  action log.

Annotated image

Listing actions

To list current action log entries:
  1. Navigate to system  action log,

  2. optionally insert the filtering parameters and click on the search button.

Annotated image

Inspecting actions

To inspect a specific action:
  1. Navigate to system  action log,

  2. optionally insert the filtering parameters and click on the search button,

  3. click on the action you wish to inspect.

Annotated image

Action severity

DevNote take note of the severities

  • emergency: 'Emergency'

  • alert: 'Alert'

  • critical: 'Critical'

  • error: 'Error'

  • warning: 'Warning'

  • notice: 'Notice'

  • info: 'Info'

  • debug: 'Debug'