You are reading the documentation for an outdated Corteza release. 2024.9 is the latest stable Corteza release.


For this example, let’s assume we want to send an email to all users every Christmas at midnight. For this, we use a trigger of type onInterval with the interval 0 0 25 12 *

workflow example interval

Workflow step details:
  1. (1) Test trigger:

    • resource: System

    • event: onInterval

    • enabled: checked

    • constraints:

      • interval: 0 0 25 12 *

  2. (2) Iterate over Users:

    • type: Users

    • results:

      • user target: user

  3. (3) Send Email:

    • type: Email

    • arguments:

      • subject:

        • value type: constant

        • value: Merry christmas

      • to:

        • value type: expression

        • value:

      • plain:

        • value type: constant

        • value: Merry christmas

  4. (4) Done: