You are reading the documentation for an outdated Corteza release. 2023.9 is the latest stable Corteza release.



To use our pre-built Docker images, you will need to have Docker setup and running on every system you wish to set up Corteza. You can follow the official documentation to get it setup.

Useful Commands

Run commands inside a container (started)

docker exec -it <container name> help

Run commands inside a container (not started)

docker run -it --rm <container name> help

Docker Compose

Docker Compose makes your life easier when running multiple Docker images where each can be arbitrarily configured. You can follow the official documentation to get it setup.

When using .env files, you need to explicitly specify this inside the docker-compose.yaml file (env_file: [.env]).

Useful Commands

Stop and remove containers along with their volumes without confirmation

docker-compose rm --force --stop -v

View logs for all running containers

docker-compose logs --follow --tail 20

View logs for a specific container

docker-compose logs --follow --tail 20 <service name>

Execute with Docker Compose

docker-compose exec <service name> help