
With Corteza 2024.9, we’ve focused on enhancing the core functionality of Corteza by introducing new options for greater customization.

We’ve also streamlined low-code development with the addition of intelligent code suggestions for expression inputs, available in both Compose and Workflows.

Looking ahead, we plan to expand these features with even more robust suggestions.


Released on: 2024.12.02

  • Added the ability to open records directly in edit mode. The change was added to streamline record editing by bypassing the view mode (18243a4).

  • Added multiple methods for adding new records. The change was added to enhance flexibility by supporting addition in the same tab, a new tab, or a modal (c0fd421).

  • Added the option to specify text field wrapping in record lists. The change was added to provide better control over text display in record lists (005f698).

  • Added visibility conditions for page blocks. The change was added to allow dynamic control over when page blocks are displayed (77c1838).

  • Added autocompletion in expression editors, workflow text editors, and the branding CSS editor. The change was added to simplify editing by providing suggestions during input (5e2f280).

  • Added the ability to add new records from Record Selector editor fields. The change was added to improve efficiency by enabling direct record creation from the Record Selector (5f94d59).

  • Added the ability to configure record list filters using the record filter UI. The change was added to provide a more intuitive method for setting up record list filters (3ebb8ac).

  • Added the ability to configure field wrapping in record blocks. The change was added to allow users to control whether fields in record blocks wrap or remain on a single line (a1e1b2d).

  • Added tables in the rich text editor. The change was added to enable the use of tables for structured content in rich text (0322717).

  • Added the ability to disable save notifications on record pages. The change was added to provide a cleaner user experience by hiding save notifications when saving records (b744202).

  • Added inline filtering for record list blocks based on record values. The change was added to simplify filtering by allowing users to filter lists without manually typing values (a3b9b9a).

  • Added live filters for chart blocks. The change was added to allow users to filter charts directly without needing to edit them (bd28b34).

  • Added permissions for exporting namespaces, modules, and charts. The change was added to control who has the ability to export data. NOTE: Review and adjust permissions after upgrading..

  • Changed the user experience for record list filters (73b12d6).

  • Changed general UI/UX enhancements:

    • Updated styles for simple lists (eg, module fields, select options)

    • Standardized cancel buttons in modals

    • Standardized restore and suspend button styles

    • Unified confirmation button components (38c145d, 57c2cd5, a1d116b, 97b966e).

  • Removed CRM and Service Solution apps from the default deployment (a036786).


Released on: 2025.2.14

  • Added a way to capture an image from the camera in the file field. The change was added to allow users to upload images from their camera (6fbb075).

  • Added option to display select values as badges. The change was added to allow users to color select values for better visibility (65be113).

  • Added <namespace.handle>-body, <page.handle>-body and <page-layout.handle>-body classes to the body element when user is in a namespace, page or page layout. Also added <page.handle>-modal and <page-layout>-modal class to record modals. The change was added to provide an easy way to target the body element of the current namespace, page or page layout (93cb166).

  • Added option to configure the ability to add a new field in bulk/inline record editing. The change was added to allow users to personalize their editing experience (d256af5).

  • Changed LIMIT_RECORD_COUNT_PER_NAMESPACE to LIMIT_RECORD_COUNT_PER_MODULE which check number of records in the given module over namespace (6c60464).

  • Changed sidebar menu button to open on click instead of hover (86a3ed9).

  • Changed default primary color and branding for corteza (including icon and logo) (ac1d5de).

  • Fixed record validation warnings not being shown (f818501).

  • Fixed record list filters with multiple groups not working as displayed (31d38a2).

  • Fixed clicking 'Select all' in field selectors adding all fields instead of only the ones that match the query (7eb367a).

  • Fixed magnify block button not being hidden if another block is already magnified (2d65d84).

  • Fixed field spacing in record blocks to match previous versions (cec7557).

  • Fixed dropdown buttons that open links not being clickable as links (3e65091).

  • Fixed default translation inconsistencies (2073).

  • Fixed calendar event text color not being contrasted based on event color (bf5e5b8).

  • Fixed broken paging when used in combination with RBAC on specific resources in the given list (691de53, b4e4d88).

  • Fixed Corteza themes not properly setting contrasted colors for ui elements (dark text on dark background instead of light text on dark background) (5bc444f).