
Sub-workflows enable you to define reusable pieces of logic that other workflows can utilize. You can think of a sub-workflow as a function from classic programming languages.

On the list of available workflows, there is an additional sub-workflow inclusion filter option.

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Execution Arguments

When calling sub-workflows, you can pass an arbitrary execution argument encoded as a Vars data type.

Click on the cog cog icon on the exec-workflow exec workflow step and locate the "arguments" section. Any value passed in the scope argument will be available in the execution context of the sub-workflow.

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Execution Results

After the sub-workflow is done with its execution, the calling workflow gains access to the sub-workflow’s execution scope at the state it finished.

Click on the cog cog icon on the exec-workflow exec workflow step and locate the "results" section. Specify a list of values (and the variable name) you’d like to preserve from the sub-workflow. The result field identifies the variable name in the sub-workflow’s state, and the target identifies the variable name in the caller’s state.

There is no limit to the number of values you can access from the sub-workflow’s state.

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Creating Sub-workflows

To create a sub-workflow, navigate to the Workflow web application and create a new workflow. Tick the subworkflow checkbox when configuring the workflow metadata.

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Configure the rest of the workflow as you would with any other workflow. Refer to main workflow documentation for details.

Sub-workflows can not utilize triggers and can not be executed like regular workflows.

The following example defines a simple sub-workflow where we log the received value and then prepare a new value for the calling workflow.

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The source code for the sub-workflow example.

Using Sub-workflows

Sub-workflows are called from regular workflows using the exec-workflow exec workflow step. The exec-workflow exec workflow step requires you to specify what workflow you wish to execute (must be a sub-workflow), execution arguments, and execution results.

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The source code for the workflow example.