Case Management
Corteza Case Management is a highly flexible, scalable and open source solution for keeping up with customer cases.
The home page is accessible by clicking on the Home section in the main navigation bar on the top of the screen.
The home page is a dashboard for your business; it gives a quick overview of your cases, so you know what is going on.
It shows you essential statistics regarding your cases. They may be sorted by priority, status, and category.
The Cases page is accessible by clicking on the Cases section in the main navigation bar on the top of the screen.
Cases shows all of the cases in the system,
All New cases shows only the cases that have the `status of being new,
My new cases shows only the new cases that you are responsible for.
A client contacts the company with an issue,
the service agent checks the clients account to see if their entitlements permit support for the issue,
if the client is entitled to support, a new case is created, directly from the account page,
the agent inserts any relevant parameters to the case, assigns a category (the default is "problem"), links any related products, contacts, and assigns an agent,
the assigned agent works on the case, creates updates and finally closes the case.
Adding a new case
Navigate to the Cases,
click on the + Add button to open the form,
populate the data and press the Save button in the bottom right corner.
Each case has an automatically generated case number, which starts with "ticket#" followed by a number.
An example case number is ticket#20191025094353420
The ticket number provides a unique identification which is used within the system. To make the ticket understandable, provide a good subject. A good subject alone allows you to get a general idea of what the ticket is about. Make sure that the subject is short, clear and straight to the point. |
The key parts of a case
- Case Description
This is where you find the base information regarding a case; its status, priority, and a related product.
- Case Details
This is where you can find essential relations, such as the related account, contact, case owner, and it’s cost.
- Updates
This is where all the updates related to the case are kept. It can be anything from receiving updates from the clients to us contacting the client and gives you a clear picture of what is going on. It is possible to add a new update by clicking on the "Add Update to this Case" button. Case status changes automatically when you create an update.
- Knowledge Base
This is where you can quickly search through the knowledge base to find relevant information in order to get a better understanding of the task at hand.
The Accounts page is accessible by clicking on the Accounts section in the main navigation bar on the top of the screen.
Accounts are entities (companies or other) that you currently do business with. An account stores essential data regarding the company, along with a set of contacts, entitlements and cases.
Adding a new account
Navigate to the Accounts,
click on the + Add button to open the form,
populate the data and press the Save button in the bottom right corner.
Adding a case for an account
Navigate to the
, -
scroll down to the "cases" page block,
click on the + Add button to open the form,
populate the data and press the Save button in the bottom right corner.
Refer to the cases section for additional details. |
The Contacts page is accessible by clicking on the
section in the main navigation bar on the top of the screen.A contact belongs to an account; you can think of them as employees for a specific company that you are allowed to contact.
Adding a new contact
Navigate to the
, -
click on the + Add button to open the form,
populate the data and press the Save button in the bottom right corner.
The key parts of a contact
A contact has two particular elements that indicate how and if you can contact them:
The agent should check these fields before trying to make any contact. |
- Personal Data
Here the essential information regarding contacts, such as their name, title, phone, and email are stored.
- Contact Address
Here their contact address (if it is necessary to generate any quotes, send packages or dispatch maintainers) are stored.
- Contact Twitter Feed
Here you can keep track of the contact’s latest updates via Twitter.
- Cases related to this Contact
Here the cases that are related to the contact; either created by the contact, or those which it are responsible for are stored.
- Emails
Here, in chronological order, the emails that you have previously sent to the contact are stored. These are usually generated based on cases.
Adding a case for a contact
Navigate to the
, -
scroll down to the "cases" page block,
click on the + Add button to open the form,
populate the data and press the Save button in the bottom right corner.
Refer to the cases section for additional details. |
The Entitlements page is accessible by clicking on the
section in the main navigation bar on the top of the screen.Entitlements are types of customer support, such as phone support or email support. You can set up entitlements to help support agents determine whether a customer is eligible for support or not.
Entitlements are related to an account and a product. For a fixed amount of time (defined by the start and end date), they are entitled to certain services provided by the seller.
An entitlement can be created either manually, or from an account.
Adding an entitlement
Navigate to the
, -
click on the + Add button to open the form,
populate the data and press the Save button in the bottom right corner.
You can define an entitlement template under a product to automatically supply some of the data beforehand. Refer to entitlement templates for more information. |
The Products page is accessible by clicking on the Products section in the main navigation bar on the top of the screen.
A product can be a physical or a software product, as well as a service provided by your company. Products allow you to keep track of how much turnover a specific product or a product family provides. You also get an overview of all cases for a specific product.
Adding a product
Navigate to the Products,
click on the + Add button to open the form,
populate the data and press the Save button in the bottom right corner.
The key parts of a product
- Product Description
Here the essential information regarding the product, such as it’s product code, name, family and optionally an entitlement template are stored.
You can use entitlement templates to automate the creation of more common entitlements, such as a hardware warranty for a product. |
- Case totals
Here the total time and cost that a specific product has required so far can be seen. The system calculates these fields, so there is no need to worry about that!
- Cases related to this product
Here you can find all the cases created for the product. It can help us identify the most problematic products and the most common issues.
- Entitlements for this product
Here you can find all of the entitlements created for this product.
- Knowledge Base items related to this product
The knowledge base allows us to provide some information regarding the product, so our support agents can provide quality answers without the need for experts.
The knowledge base is accessible from the case creation screen. |
Entitlement templates
The Products page is accessible by clicking on the
section in the main navigation bar on the top of the screen.A product or service typically comes with entitlement to support. For example, a software license may allow the client to contact you by phone when they have issues or questions. Or, when you sell hardware, you may need to offer a period of guarantee, allowing the client to contact you when in case product breaks within that period.
Case Management provides an easy way of defining the most common entitlements as entitlement templates. After creating a template, you bind it to a product. Now, whenever an entitlement is created for that product, the template will be used to prefill the base information regarding the entitlement.
Adding an entitlement template
Navigate to the
, -
click on the + Add button to open the form,
populate the data and press the Save button in the bottom right corner.
Knowledge base
We use KB as a notation to reference to the knowledge base. |
The Knowledge Base page is accessible by clicking on the Knowledge Base section in the main navigation bar on the top of the screen.
The KB stores various information regarding your products, services and other so that you can solve repeating cases faster.
Adding a knowledge base entry
Navigate to the Knowledge Base,
click on the + Add button to open the form,
populate the data and press the Save button in the bottom right corner.
The KB number gets calculated by the system. |
The key parts of a knowledge base entry
- Details
Here the essential information regarding the entry, such as the type, related product, description, its status and some other metadata are stored.
- Cases with this KB Item as Solution
Here you see all the cases that you solved with the help of this entry. This helps you distinguish good entries from bad ones to improve the KB. It also allows other agents to solve similar cases much faster.
The Departments page is accessible by clicking on the Departments section in the main navigation bar on the top of the screen.
Companies usually consist of multiple departments that may have different costs when performing their tasks. One hour support by the service department is not the same as one hour support by R&D. This allows the system to calculate the cost of a particular case automatically.
A department is not directly assigned to a case, but rather its update. This allows multiple departments to work on the same case. |
Adding a department
Navigate to the Departments,
click on the + Add button to open the form,
populate the data and press the Save button in the bottom right corner.
The key parts of a department
- Department details
Here the essential information regarding a department, such as its name, list of employees, and it’s hourly cost are stored.
- Total time and cost of department related to work on cases
Here you can see some quick statistics regarding total consumed times and the total cost of the department. The system calculates this, so that you don’t have to worry about this.
- Case updates related to the department
Here you can see all of the case updates that are assigned to this department. This can help us determine what department has the most significant load so you can properly adjust our business process.
Changing the hourly cost of a department only affects new entries. Old entries and their costs remain untouched unless they are updated. |
The Settings page is accessible by clicking on the Settings section in the main navigation bar on the top of the screen.
Available settings
The following number for a KB item
This indicates the following ID that is used for the adjacent KB item (entry). Unless you migrate from another system, this value doesn’t need to be changed.
The default cost per hour
This is used if a department doesn’t define its hourly cost or if you don’t assign a department to the case update.
We strongly advise that each department explicitly specifies an hourly cost. |
The default department for new ticket
This is the default department that will be assigned to a ticket if no other department is selected.
Step by step configuration
The following number for a KB item
If you’ve migrated from another system, insert the next number that should be used. If not, you can leave this as it is.
The default department for new ticket
Select the default department. You should first create departments if you don’t see any.
The default time for a case update
Enter a default time that should be used when working on a case update.
The default case link
Navigate to the "Pages" of your admin panel,
find the page called
Record page for module "Case"
, -
copy the page ID (this is the long number at the end of the address, similar to the above channel ID),
. For example:https://your-corteza-instance.tld/compose/ns/case-management/pages/111502308285612036/record
If you have an external portal that is able to display cases stored by Corteza, you can change this link to point to that portal. |
The Dashboards page is accessible by clicking on the Dashboards section in the main navigation bar on the top of the screen.
Dashboards help you to visually understand changing business conditions, so you can make decisions based on the real-time data of your Case Management. Refer to the if you wish to add additional dashboards.
You can easily define new dashboards to expose the data you care about the most. |