Optimize RBAC System Resource Usage

Corteza access control, from version 2024.9 forth, allows system administrators to control system resource usage. Prior versions, to provide best performance possible, pulled the entire access control model to memory which proved to be ineffective for a subset of use-cases. Refer to the Server configuration for details on available configuration options.

Refer to the Most Common Scenarios section to determine if this makes sense for you.

How it Works

The original implementation held the entire security context in an in-memory index. The index is now split up into the following components:

  • The in-memory index which holds a portion (or the entire) security context in-memory.

  • The counter which holds some metadata regarding system access and what resources make the most sense to keep in memory.

  • The service which ties all the new pieces together, combining the in-memory and database-stored security context.

  • Service performance logger which stores some metadata regarding system access, index hits, index misses, and timings.

To avoid preserving previously held resources which are no longer used, the counter applies a decay factor.

Whenever the service determines the in memory state needs to re-evaluate, it looks up the counters' state to determine what is used the most.


To monitor your system, we recommend inspecting both system resource utilization along with inspecting the /system/stats/ endpoint.

The /system/stats/ endpoint reports the following parameters:
  • cacheHits reports the total number of access evaluation requests pulled from the index.

  • cacheMisses reports the total number of access evaluation requests pulled from the database.

  • cacheUpdates reports the total number of cache updates.

  • avgDbTiming reports the average cache miss timing in nanoseconds (includes both preparing the query and parsing results).

  • minDbTiming reports the minimum cache miss timing in nanoseconds (includes both preparing the query and parsing results).

  • maxDbTiming reports the maximum cache miss timing in nanoseconds (includes both preparing the query and parsing results).

  • avgIndexTiming reports the average cache hit timing in nanoseconds.

  • minIndexTiming reports the minimum cache hit timing in nanoseconds.

  • maxIndexTiming reports the maximum cache hit timing in nanoseconds.

  • indexSize reports the current index size.

  • lastHits reports the last 500 index hits.

  • lastMisses reports the last 500 index misses.

  • lastDbTimings reports the last 500 cache miss timings.

  • lastIndexTimings reports the last 500 cache hit timings.

  • counters reports the current counter states.

Most Common Scenarios

Low-Power Server

In case you’re running Corteza on a server with heavily limited resources (primarily focusing on RAM), consider limiting the index size or turning in memory indexing all together.

To disable in memory indexing, set RBAC_MAX_INDEX_SIZE=0

Large Number of RBAC Rules

In case you’re not doing role composition or you’re implementing role hierarchy/access on a more granular approach, your system might programmatically assigning roles and rules to all or most Corteza Low Code. If that’s the case, you might want to limit the in memory index size based on your system.