Index Only Specified Namespace

Data visibility is controlled with the standard access control facility. The Discovery indexes everything it currently has access to. To control data visibility, configure access control rules for the role assigned to the Discovery indexer user.

In this example we configure Corteza Discovery to only index records from the discovery namespace.

Click on the permissions button to open up global namespace access control rules.

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Select the authenticated role and set the read any namespace rule to deny. Alternatively, you may set the same rule to deny for the Discovery indexer role.

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Next, click on the edit button for the namespace you wish to allow access to, and click on the permissions button to open up access control rules for the given namespace.

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Select the discoverer role (the role assigned to the Discovery indexer user) and set the read namespace rule to allow.

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After the Discovery indexer re-indexes your instance, the search results become limited to the discovery namespace for which the access is allowed.

The Discovery indexer must finish it’s re-indexing in order for the changes to take affect.

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