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The messagebus feature allows the producer instance to offload some work to a consumer instance via message queues. Message bus is primarily designed to be used with workflows, but it can be extended to work elsewhere.

DevNote: the following content is under construction and needs a lot more work.

A messaging queue is valid when it has defined a name or a consumer.

Queue consumers

Messaging queues are described with a producer-consumer pair.

Corteza currently supports two different consumers; store and eventbus.

Consumers are defined in the administration area, where the producers are implemented on the system level.

Listing messaging queues

To list current messaging queues:
  1. navigate to the Corteza Admin,

  2. click on the "Messaging Queues" in the navigation drawer,

  3. optionally insert the filtering parameters.

  4. The list refreshes automatically.

Creating messaging queues

To create a new messaging queue:
  1. navigate to the Corteza Admin,

  2. click on the "Messaging Queues" in the navigation drawer,

  3. click on the "New" button in the top right corner,

  4. provide the requested data,

  5. press the "Submit" button.

"Polling changes delay" affects only the producers that use it (mostly store producers that do not subscribe to changes), so you can usually leave it empty.

DevNote explain ^ a bit better.

You can only define permissions for existing messaging queues.

Messaging queues and editing

To create a new messaging queue:
  1. navigate to the Corteza Admin,

  2. click on the "Messaging Queues" in the navigation drawer,

  3. click on the edit icon next to the messaging queue you wish to edit,

  4. provide the requested data,

  5. press the "Submit" button.

Deleting messaging queues

To delete an existing messaging queue:
  1. navigate to the Corteza Admin,

  2. click on the "Messaging Queues" in the navigation drawer,

  3. click on the edit icon next to the messaging queue you wish to edit,

  4. click and confirm the "Delete" button.

Queue parameters


  • The consumer parameter defines the destination of the data flow of a particular message queue.

  • Consumers need to be implemented and added as an additional adapter in the code.

  • You can learn more in the #developer section - queues consumers.

It is best that the queue name is descriptive, short and alphanumeric only.

Polling changes delay is a parameter that defines the polling time of the producer. It is suggested to use it when subscribing to changes is not feasible, therefore affects only the producers that use it (that mostly includes store producers that do not subscribe to changes). The parameter can usually be left empty. The format of polling changes delay is golang time.Duration, for example 1h90s, 15s.