You are reading the documentation for an outdated Corteza release. 2024.9 is the latest stable Corteza release.


Released on: 2022-04-05

  • Changed resource translation sanitization to be looser to support a wider range of formatting options (4278e5823).

  • Fixed missing role references for namespace export where the User module field defined role prefilters (cb44b6591).

  • Fixed improper namespace import resource re-identification due to resources being ignored (3b235e330).

  • Fixed workflow trace parameter (3e068026).

  • Fixed improper resource translation content sanitization for RTE contents (50671180d), link attributes (f699d4b1e).

  • Fixed actionlog codegen lapsus (d44d396b3)

  • Fixed missing roles in the impersonated user — roles were not included in the generated JWT (e4ba223da)

  • Fixed improper resource iterator data chunking which caused the database to error out for large datasets (69c95a5a3)

  • Fixed record list not working when duplicate fields reside on same page (c13dd1e81).

  • Added additional link tags to make them more secure (889e2485f).