
Released on: 2024.04.25

  • Added id system field to user information in Admin (d81809c, 14b704f).

  • Added cancel status filter to automation session list in Admin (c0d43df).

  • Changed the updating mechanism of charts to trigger when the user creates and updates a chart. The change was made to keep chart up to date with its latest configuration (ad95e6a).

  • Changed chart tooltip structure to be consistent in Low Code and Reporter. The change was made to implement a standard across all web applications that use charts (91a7a59).

  • Fixed not being able to filter data by userID when viewing a record in a record list using the drill down option (8d2ccea).

  • Fixed not being able to see all users assigned to a role in Admin (9cc3a9c).

  • Fixed record page not loading when navigating to a new record from the create record view (9c07c90).

  • Fixed not being able to set the SMTP password in Admin because it was removed mistakenly (96a7fd6).

  • Fixed not being able to use drill down on select, record, and user fields (cf8de0f).

  • Fixed double fetching of record list configuration after drill down data is updated (5a4f934).

  • Fixed multi-line option not working for module text fields (1770).

  • Fixed duplicate field name causing module configuration issues (1773).

  • Fixed workflow not redirecting the user to the next record after saving the current record (1775).

  • Fixed record id shown instead of label by default (1776).

  • Fixed incorrect boolean labels and value shown in charts Fixed metric label in tooltips to show the field title instead of the field name (447e6fa).

  • Fixed incorrect record shown when workflow function for fetching the first or the last record is used (7b29b80).

  • Fixed incorrect redirecting to record view when a workflow prompt is used (e766b4b).

  • Fixed redirecting between record view and record edit mode in Low Code (60376b7).