
Released on: 2025.2.14

  • Added a way to capture an image from the camera in the file field. The change was added to allow users to upload images from their camera (6fbb075).

  • Added option to display select values as badges. The change was added to allow users to color select values for better visibility (65be113).

  • Added <namespace.handle>-body, <page.handle>-body and <page-layout.handle>-body classes to the body element when user is in a namespace, page or page layout. Also added <page.handle>-modal and <page-layout>-modal class to record modals. The change was added to provide an easy way to target the body element of the current namespace, page or page layout (93cb166).

  • Added option to configure the ability to add a new field in bulk/inline record editing. The change was added to allow users to personalize their editing experience (d256af5).

  • Changed LIMIT_RECORD_COUNT_PER_NAMESPACE to LIMIT_RECORD_COUNT_PER_MODULE which check number of records in the given module over namespace (6c60464).

  • Changed sidebar menu button to open on click instead of hover (86a3ed9).

  • Changed default primary color and branding for corteza (including icon and logo) (ac1d5de).

  • Fixed record validation warnings not being shown (f818501).

  • Fixed record list filters with multiple groups not working as displayed (31d38a2).

  • Fixed clicking 'Select all' in field selectors adding all fields instead of only the ones that match the query (7eb367a).

  • Fixed magnify block button not being hidden if another block is already magnified (2d65d84).

  • Fixed field spacing in record blocks to match previous versions (cec7557).

  • Fixed dropdown buttons that open links not being clickable as links (3e65091).

  • Fixed default translation inconsistencies (2073).

  • Fixed calendar event text color not being contrasted based on event color (bf5e5b8).

  • Fixed broken paging when used in combination with RBAC on specific resources in the given list (691de53, b4e4d88).

  • Fixed Corteza themes not properly setting contrasted colors for ui elements (dark text on dark background instead of light text on dark background) (5bc444f).