You are reading the documentation for an outdated Corteza release. 2024.9 is the latest stable Corteza release.


Released on: 2022-09-20

  • Added a button to stop the automation session execution (4bdf43b, 6f72928, 8bcb405, 8b7791, 132948, bc62f7). We also added the button on the workflow trigger steps (3363a37). We added the feature to allow the termination of long-running or unresponsive workflows.

  • General UI/UX changes:

    • Changed the colour of the record deleted alert from info to warning variant (88b6006).

    • Fixed the app selector overflow where the user interface cut off the application labels on One (997d799).

    • Tweaked the responsive layout on the Reporter web application where blocks would overlap on smaller screens (287ed67).

    • Added missing translations and general UI and layout tweaks.

  • Changed the password reset flow to no longer log out of the current user (f7d1015). We changed to improve UX when the user would change their password multiple times in a row or the Admin web application. Corteza no longer invalidates the access token if it belongs to the currently authenticated user who is resetting their password.

  • Changed the Low Code record toolbar interface to only apply the can delete record operation to the delete button (56b5b5c). We changed as it introduced unexpected behaviour when users weren’t allowed to delete records.

  • Fixed missing translations on dropdown fields for funnel and gauge charts by moving gauge labels to tooltips (11640e6) and tweaking translations to be applied on initial load (65ea532, 9af61fa).

  • Fixed possible step corruption and other issues with fork and join steps (2521ac9).

  • Fixed missing translations for automation buttons on record list by fixing them on Corteza server (a2cea1c) and Corteza Low Code (eee5b37).

  • Fixed problematic database state when upgrading from older 2021.9 versions due to NULL constraints (fe464c4). The issue was caused by adding a table upgrade for the scenarios column where it explicitly demanded the column should not be NULL and expressly stated that the default value is, in fact, NULL. The database migration now correctly sets the default value to a non-NULL value.

  • Fixed calendars always show the month view as the default view regardless of what was configured on the page block. This is fixed by correctly applying the provided configuration options instead of constant values (8e46baa).

  • Fixed toolbar system button translations are disappearing when reordering pages. Toolbar system button translations were lost when reorganizing page hierarchy. The browser caused the issue due to cache clearing (c88f3a0).

  • Fixed the Low Code record page from raising errors by removing the view button for record pages without a record (a256393).

  • Fixed record lists not properly refreshing when viewed in the page builder (564c0aa). The filters weren’t properly handled when evaluated from the page builder. When viewing the page, however, the filters were evaluated correctly.

  • Fixed a bug which prevented the roles from being unarchived (11dfd0a). We fixed the bug by correcting the lapsus in the state when updating roles.

  • Fixed Number module field number display is limited to 3 decimals. The Number field now correctly allows precision (e3a8ecd, e1b08bf) with the default on 3 decimals (0b2aa68).